Posts in Press
Kamsi Magazine: Former VH1 and Logo Executive Vice President Talks Her New Film, “The Bill”

Have you ever experienced going out to dinner with a few friends (maybe for a birthday) and everything is going well, you’re catching up with an old friend, laughing, munching on your catfish and Mac& cheese, pouring your fourth margarita pitcher, then things get tense when the bill arrives?

All of a sudden half of your friends turn into accountants while others come up with what sounds like a crowdfunding pitch to cover their portion of the bill. In fact, this experience has become so common that it’s the storyline for the short comedy film,The Bill.”

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PressJenai Charles
Daily News: Urbanworld Film Festival celebrates 21st anniversary with diverse showcase of filmmakers

Some of the world's most unique and undiscovered films are shown in New York City because of the Urbanworld Film Festival.

Rich characters, diverse genres, and exclusive show premieres make Urban World a paradise for movie buffs and movie makers, according to festival director Gabrielle Glore. "We are proud that Urbanworld remains THE destination for storytellers and studios to connect with a viewing audience as we continue to take a lead role in inclusion," she told the Daily News.

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PressJenai Charles